We are happy to provide you with our ResQ Family communication toolkit! This toolkit contains campaign materials, which are designed to raise awareness of RSV and the burden of RSV-related hospitalisations on the parental health-related quality of life of affected families. Join us and help spread the word about the comprehensive impact a child’s hospitalisation has on parents and what healthcare professionals can do to better support them in the future! We warmly invite you to download the material provided on this page and use it for your own communication. Please make sure to use the hashtag #ResQFamily when using these materials and don’t forget to tag us @efcni /@EFCNIwecare on X so we can like and share your posts.
ResQ Family - Press Release
We are very delighted to announce the publication of our latest press release as part of the ResQ Family project. This press release highlights the comprehensive impact of hospitalisations of children due to RSV on the emotional wellbeing of affected families. Among many other things, parents experienced anxiety, feelings of guilt and a negative impact on their working life and professional obligations. Long distances to the clinic and associated travel costs increased stress and worry, especially for working parents.
Read more about the study’s findings in our official press release (German and English).
ResQ Family - Thought Leadership Article
The Thought Leadership Article, written by RSV expert Prof Catherine Weil-Olivier and EFCNI’s Head of Scientific Affairs Dr Christina Tischer, highlights why it is important to address the full burden of RSV related hospitalisations of children on families so that novel RSV prevention strategies can shape public health in Europe in the future.
Besides, this article provides an overview of the most significant key findings of the ResQ Family study, which reflect the extensive emotional burden and impact on the health-related quality of life of affected families.
Read more about the need for future RSV prevention strategies in our Thought Leadership Article.
ResQ Family - Project Report
This project report provides an overview of the most important cross-national key findings and outlines not only RSV-related symptoms but also parenteral health-related quality of life dimensions. Besides, country-specific results focusing on parenteral feelings in relation to the child’s health status, health literacy and disease awareness, and the quality of communication and support structures from healthcare providers are also addressed.
Download your copy now!
Project Report - Social Media Graphics
Download our social media graphics, available for Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and X and use them to inform your community about this project report! Share it with patients, friends and family, and promote RSV awareness on your social media platforms, your blog or website. Please remember to credit ©EFCNI.
ResQ Family - One-Pager
This one-pager provides an overview of the most important key findings of the ResQ Family study and can be handed out at conferences or sent as an e-mail attachment to draw the attention of decision-makers in the healthcare sector to the study or to explain the relevance of the topic to interested parties. The QR code leads directly to the Communication Toolkit for further suggestions on how to disseminate the study results.
Download your copy now!
ResQ Family - Expert Quote Cards
Take a look at the quote cards of our international ResQ Family experts (one international version + 4 country-specific versions including English translation) and learn more about the challenges that RSV-related hospitalisations of children pose for affected families and what changes are needed to effectively address these challenges in the future.
ResQ Family - Research News
This research news provides an overview of key study and country-specific findings, uncovering how parents are affected and which country-specific gaps in support for affected families need to be closed in the future.
ResQ Family - Expert Video Series
In this expert video series, various experts from the countries participating in the ResQ Family Study show in which areas families were most affected during the hospitalisation of their child.
- French expert: Audrey Reynaud, Head of Scientific Affairs Department at SOS Préma, sheds light on the impact of hospitalisations of children due to RSV on the work productivity and professional life of affected families.
- Swedish expert: Professor Kajsa Bohlin, Department of Neonatology, Karolinska University Hospital/ Karolinska Institute, sheds light on the quality of communication and health information flow between healthcare professionals and families during the child’s hospitalisation.
- German expert: Professor Sven Wellmann, Clinic for Paediatric and Young Adult Medicine, Clinic St. Hedwig Regensburg, sheds light on the distressing feelings that parents were confronted with during their child’s hospitalisation.
- International expert:Professor Helmut Hummler, Senior Medical Director of EFCNI, sheds light on how aware affected families were of RSV and its consequences as well as the lack of structures for providing mental health support.
- International expert: Professor Luc Zimmermann, Faculty of Health, Medicine & Life Sciences at Maastricht University, The Netherlands, and former Senior Medical Director of EFCNI, underlines the burden of RSV on families and highlights how RSV can be now prevented through newly available prophylactic measures.
ResQ Family - Short Motion Video
This short motion video, available in 5 languages (English, French, German, Italian, Swedish), addresses the most essential ResQ Family study results with regards to the burden of affected families. It highlights parental feelings in relation to the distressing situation during hospitalisation of the child, impact on the family’s private and professional life, disease awareness as well as the quality of support structures through healthcare providers.
For a comprehensive overview of the key and country-specific findings, take a look at the project report.
ResQ Family - Interactive & Static Infographics
These interactive/static infographics address the most essential ResQ Family study results with regards to the burden of affected families. They highlight:
- parental feelings in relation to the distressing situation during hospitalisation of the child
- additional barriers that families encountered when visiting the child in hospital
- scope of awareness of the consequences of the child’s RSV infection and hospitalisation for the entire family
- scope of adequate information management regarding mental health support for families and
- the necessity of providing psychological support and information on disease prevention to help families to prevent an RSV infection from the outset or to cope better with the situation.
For a comprehensive overview of the key and country-specific findings, take a look at the project report.
ResQ Family - Postcard
Download the ResQ Family Postcard for distrubution in your network. By scanning the QR code on the postcard, you will be directed to the ResQ Family Project Report (see above).

Transparency: EFCNI received a research grant from Sanofi in support of this independent study. All resulting communication assets were independently developed and operated by EFCNI with support from EFCNI project partner Sanofi