Bringing comfort and support to preterm babies and their families in Türkiye

El Bebek Gül Bebek is working to ensure that both preterm babies and their families receive the comfort, warmth, and assistance they need in their communities. They have recently initiated three impactful projects—The Nest and Cover Project, Angel Muge, and the New Parents’ Kit—which provide essential resources, emotional support, and practical solutions for families in NICUs across the country. These initiatives not only improve the well-being of fragile newborns but also empower parents during one of the most challenging moments of their lives.

@El Bebek Gül Bebek

Nest and Cover Project : giving preterm babies a gentle start

Over the past two years, El Bebek Gül Bebek parent organisation has distributed nearly 5,000 nests and 750 covers to NICUs in state and university hospitals across Türkiye. They continue to supply them based on demand and take pride in the fact that all preterm babies in these hospitals are now positioned in nests.

Q: The Nest and Cover Project has clearly had a great impact on NICUs across Türkiye. What inspired you to start this project, and how did you grow it into a nationwide solution supported by sponsorships?

El Bebek Gül Bebek: During our visits to NICUs across Türkiye, we observed a lack of standardised nesting practices. In a few units, nurses improvised with towels, but the majority had no nesting solutions in place. Recognising the importance of proper positioning for preterm infants, we sought a solution and developed our own nesting model, incorporating scientific evidence along with the experiences and needs of NICU nurses. While we initially funded the project independently, its impact has attracted sponsorships from Yataş Bedding and Chiesi, ensuring its sustainability for years to come.

Hang on to life with Angel Muge

@El Bebek Gül Bebek

Ferda lost her only daughter, Muge, to cervical cancer at the age of 29. In her memory, with the support of El Bebek Gül Bebek organisation, they launched Angel Muge – a heartfelt project designed to bring warmth and hope to preterm babies and their families. These families often have the financial means for clothing but may not have access to small-sized knitted items at that moment, which is why they tend to dress their preterm babies in larger clothes. Together with El Bebek Gül Bebek, which handles the planning, communication, and shipping costs, volunteers have joined the project, contributing their craft skills to support the country’s tiniest patients.

@El Bebek Gül Bebek

Each Angel Muge happiness kit includes tiny knitted vests, booties, hats, socks, and a handmade amigurumi doll symbolising the umbilical cord. These delicate, love-filled items ensure that even the smallest babies have clothing that fits them perfectly. From their first hat in the incubator to cosy blankets at discharge, every piece is made with care.

Q: The Angel Muge Project is such a beautiful way to honor Muge’s memory. What impact does the project have on the volunteers?

Ferda: All the knitters who support me, both emotionally and financially, stand by my side. They knit and sew the kits for preterm babies and send them to me. They are so happy to have a purpose, knowing that the knitted items they create are going to families in need, distributed by healthcare professionals in hospitals. Together—myself, the volunteers, and El Bebek Gül Bebek—we bring a smile to the faces of parents, nurses, and doctors amidst the chaotic day-to-day life in the NICU. Now, my life is divided into two parts: before Muge and after Muge. I was a woman who smiled with Muge and rejoiced in her successes. Now, I find joy in the messages from mothers of preterm babies about Angel Muge, and their gratitude fills me with happiness. My excitement for life came with kindness, and I transformed my pain into goodness. Once again, I have Muge in my life, and her name lives on through this project.

New parents’ kit: supporting families, one step at a time

@El Bebek Gül Bebek

In 2024, El Bebek Gül Bebek launched a project aimed at supporting mothers who have recently given birth. Breast pumps or milk storage bags are not covered by the social security system in Türkiye, making them an added expense for new parents. To address this need, the Turkish parent organisation has created a supporting kit which includes several useful and much needed items for new parents: a thermal bag (for transporting expressed milk to the NICU), a manual breast pump, milk storage bags, breast care cream, breast pads, a handkerchief, hand sanitiser, Angel Muge, and two books about neonatal care.

So far, they have delivered 250 sets to 21 state and university hospitals, and their campaign is still ongoing, hoping to reach even more families in need.

@El Bebek Gül Bebek

Q: Your new parents’ kit campaign is addressing an essential need for new parents that might otherwise go overlooked. What has been the response from parents and hospitals?

El Bebek Gül Bebek: Both parents and healthcare professionals have expressed great satisfaction with this project. Parents often share that they feel “seen and cared for,” which is especially meaningful during their NICU journey. While NICU care primarily focuses on the baby’s well-being, the needs of parents must also be acknowledged. Emotional, physical, and sometimes even financial support is essential to empower them as strong, confident caregivers. Mothers, in particular, experience immense pressure to express milk for their babies, yet the NICU environment can often feel discouraging. It is crucial to provide reassurance, letting them know they are not alone, that their challenges are recognised, and that we are here to support them every step of the way.